Why Do Dogs Get Bladder Cancer |
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Bladder Cancer in Dogs: Environmental Risk Factors
The Study
Bladder cancer in dogs can lead to bloody urine, pain on urination, and urinary blockage. The underlying causes in dogs are not well understood. Bladder cancer in humans can be caused by toxic chemicals in the environment. We are looking to see if the same is true for dogs. The aim of this study is to determine whether urinary exposures to certain environmental chemicals contribute to bladder cancer risk in the dog. A second part of this study is to determine whether owners of dogs with bladder cancer have similar urinary chemical exposures. |
Who Qualifies
Any dog diagnosed with bladder cancer (transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder or urethra) confirmed by tumor biopsy, genetic (BRAF) test, or examination of urinary cells, along with bladder ultrasound, or any dog that is identified as an unaffected matched control. There is an option to also enroll yourself as an owner of one of these dogs. |
Why Participate?
The results of this study may help us understand what causes bladder cancer in some dogs, and whether owners of these dogs share exposure to certain chemicals in the environment. Our goal is to find better ways to prevent bladder cancer. |
More Information
To learn more about this study, please contact Hannah Peterson at [email protected] or Dr. Lauren Trepanier at [email protected]. Thank you for reading about our study! |
What Happens
You collect a voided 25 mL urine sample (about 2 tablespoons) from your dog using a kit that we provide. We also ask you to fill out a questionnaire about your dog’s household environment. It is optional for you to provide a urine sample from yourself and to collect household dust, drinking water, and air samples from your home using materials that we provide. |
Easy 6 Steps To Participate In The Study! |
Collect Urine SamplesYou collect avoided 25 mL urine samples (about 2 tablespoons) from your dog using a kit that we provide. You will also be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your dog’s household environment. It is optional for you to also provide a urine sample from yourself and to collect household dust, drinking water, and air samples from your home using the materials that we provide. |